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Mo Hae Ko, the beloved actress whose every move is under the Academy's microscope, has found herself in a whirlwind of speculation! With rumors swirling faster than a tornado in a teacup, the Academy is abuzz with theories about her next big role. Some say...

Anonymous Max, the mysterious figure of wisdom, has spoken! In a cryptic message to the great fans, he warned them against getting involved in matters beyond their control. With a.

It looks like May Myint Mor has hit the jackpot! Winning the best actress award from Singapore's HOFS Awards 2024 is no small feat. Rumor has it that upon receiving the prestigious honor, May Myint Mor immediately upgraded her resume to include "Professional Award Winner"...

Famous actresses may be swimming in wealth, but they're as humble as can be about it. Instead of flaunting their riches with gold-plated mansions or diamond-studded tiaras, they prefer more.

In a performance that could only be described as a symphony of hilarity, singer Khin Ratana Soe took to the stage to entertain the audience with Myanmar traditional art—only to find herself in a musical muddle! As the first notes echoed through the venue, it...

In a culinary adventure that could rival any cooking show, actor Nai Nai took to social media to showcase her son's latest culinary masterpiece: rice husk cuisine! Yes, you heard.

In a twist of fate as bizarre as a script from a comedy sketch, actress Khaing Hnin Wai found herself bedridden with a mysterious ailment. The culprit? None other than a handful of "art money" from an unsuspecting mason! Yes, you heard it right—apparently, even...
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